Friday, December 11, 2015

Comment on a comment 1

The comment, "Blog Stage 7",  , contains several interesting topics. It starts to introduce the reader to a group, called "Black Lives Matter", which fight for the african community. Then it talks about Hilary Clinton and her point of view to civil rights and it ends with Donald Trump´s view on diversity.

These topics go well together and in the end I figured what the overall comment was about, diverse political community in Unites States, but I wished that the comment would immediately make it clear to the reader, what the overall topic was about.

A little introduction would have been helpful, or a good title. The facts, that are stated in this comment are well researched, but it would have been helpful to have some quotes to back up these examples.

This comment seems more like a gathering of examples, but it lacks of keeping the main point in focus.

But, the examples are helpful for the reader to understand what is going on in this comment. Also, a well organisation of this article might help to improve it. In the past, I lacked of that in my comments too. This blog of one of my colleagues helped me out a lot. His comments are well written and organised and an interesting read.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Comment on College for all Act

This topic that Brenda is writing about, is really important for the young american                  

 I am coming from a country where you don’t have to pay College Tuition. But, the most American people, that I meet here, that are in their 20ties, and are in completely debt. A lot of young people can’t pay for College and take out student loans. When they are finally ready to graduate, they are happy for a very short period, because it is payback time. And, usually the pay back amount is tremendous.
That’s why I agree with this comment, which talks about Bernie Sanders and the “College for all act”. Of course, Bernie tries to get as many young voters that he can get right now for the election in 2016 but I agree with Brenda that College should be free in the United States.

 Brenda talks about two jobs that she has during the day time and this is hardly enough to pay living expenses. On top of this, she comments that she has to pay student loans, which is hard to do. And, she is not the only one, doing this. But, without a good education, the job search is limited. That’s why Bernie has a point. Free education would be a good idea.

I honestly think, that it is not possible for America to have a free education system, but to loan out until the dead end, is not an option either and leads into a society that is anxious about paying back the government. Colleges should get paid, but in a moderate amount. 

And what about the gun law?

A horrible shooting in California occurred, and again, politicians dispute about a stricter, federal gun law. Gun laws, regulate the sale and possession of a gun. But, in every state that law varies. Some states conceal carry permits, and some others don’t. All dependent on state-by-state basis. Especially Texas, is pretty facile on this topic. Texas, one of forty four states has a provision in its state constitution that is similar to the Second Amendment of the Constitution. And, this protects the right to keep and bear arms.

                Governor Daniel P. Mallow, remarked this week in the New York Times, that he would sign an executive order that would put people on federal terrorism watch list, if they buy firearms in the state. Connecticut would be the first state with restrictions like that. Does it make sense?   
 Probably, but it would not prevent a shooting in schools. What the state needs to do in the future, is to be stricter on how a person possesses and gets a gun. There has to be some kind of permit and course for a person before and during the time, he or she owns a gun. In Germany, where I am from, it is almost unable to possess a gun. You have to obtain a long time permit to own a gun and furthermore, the laws are very strict on guns in general.

                I don’t expect that from the United States, but after all these horrifying shootings isn’t there a time for a federal change?

Friday, October 30, 2015

The role of the woman in the U.S national government

The political role of the woman in the national government in the United States is simply shocking. The Washington Post stated, that currently there are only 20 percent female representatives in Congress. And, out of those 20 percent of women, over 17 percent women are non-white. Additionally, the IPU Data shows that the United States is not even in the top 50 of the women representatives in the national parliaments. The United States is rank 76 out of 148 countries. Only 19.4 percent women are representatives in the lower or single house and 20 percent represent the upper house or senate. Rwanda, one of the least developed countries in the world, has more women in political power than a well-developed country than the United States. These shocking facts create questions. Why is the position of the women that weak in the national politics of the United States of America? And, what does that say about the political diversity in the States? It says that the United States is still away of having a gender and ethnic equality in the political branch. The Washington Post published a statistic that shows that the house is ruled by nearly 80 percent of white males and the senate represents over 90 percent of white males too. Only 3 percent in the senate are Hispanic, 2 percent are black and 1 percent is Asian. Does that look like diversity? American politics are represented by a standard of people that should be questioned by minorities. And, if American people can’t do that in the 21st century, then when else can they? With Hillary Clinton campaigning as the next president of the United States of America, the political role of the woman might change in the future.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Substantial Commentary or Critism

We are making life too hard for Millennials, is an article published, 31 of July 2015, by the New York Times author Steven Rattner. Rattner is a Wall street financier and  the author of the book “Overhaul: An Insider’s Account of the Obama Administration’s Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry” . He writes commentary for the political section in the New York Times. This article is about the millennial generation. The millennial generation has been hardly criticised in the media from the older generation, called the baby boom generation. Steven Rattner writes about that subject and describes in the article that baby boomer generation should not be too hard on the millennial generation. He defends the millennial generation because he thinks that the millennial generation is the most educational generation of all time, but simultaneously the less prosperous generation in the history of the US. It is hard to read the facts, if you live in that generation, but we have to come to realisation that we are the generation that has the most chances or opportunities for education. But, numerous of us will have to pay off a big amount of student debt for a long time until we can put that money aside for our on behalf. I think the author speaks for the millennium generation even though he is not one of us. And, I truly agree with him. Rattner gives numerous facts, examples and statistics to argue his thesis statement that the baby boom generation makes life too hard for us millennial's. The sources are usually from surveys or government statistics and back up his arguments. And I am convinced with those statistics because this man has not only worked as an investment banker, he also provided public service and knows how to work with numbers. Of course, every commentary or opinion should be critically observed from the reader. That is why it is important that we know more about the author and how he wants to convince the reader of his or her opinion. In Rattler´s case , he makes clear arguments and backs them up with statistic facts.In this case, the statistics convinced me as a reader. And, that is really important for critical thinking. An author can have an opinion and an argument, but he has to back up his or her opinion with clear and true facts. This article, or more commentary, is worth reading for the millennial and baby boom generation.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Embedding a Link in Blogger

On Wednesday, September 17, 2015, the New York Times published an article titled, How the Republicans Fared in the Second Debate.

The presidential election in 2016 is coming closer. And the political candidates are battling against each other. Yesterday for instance, eleven candidates of the republican party discussed American politics at the Republican Debate. This article gives an overall view about the Republican candidates and how they did on the debate. In my opinion it is important that we follow the political debates and learn about the candidates that eventually could rule America. The debates also give the viewer an overview about the current events in politics. In the end, the voter decides who gets elected. That's why I find it important to know who wants to get elected. This article reviews what happened at the r debate and who the candidates are. But, if you want to find out more about all of the political candidates for the election in 2016, feel free to check out Ballot Pedia.

On Monday, September 14, 2015, Spiegel Online International published an article titled "I feel like I am dead".

This article is not about the US Government, it is about the Syrian refugee crisis. As an international student, I am also interested in international politics.The current Syria crisis is a picture of devastation. If you have a minute, read the article. It gives you an impression of what the Syrian civilians go through.